Monday, January 25, 2010

Tour of the Chancellor's Office

Last Friday we got to tour the Chancellor, Angela Merkel's, office. That is equivalent to touring the White House! We had to bring our passports and go through a strict security system to get in, but it was worth it. This is a picture of me at one of the big train stations in Berlin, where we met the rest of the group.
Each Chancellor since the end of WWII gets to commission a portrait from the artist of his choice. Anglea Merkel is the first woman Chancellor, and her portrait will go up when she leaves office.
This is one of the conference rooms. The egalitarian setup is supposed to represent the leadership style of the German government. The only way to determine which chair is Angela Merkel's is to see her special "silence" button that lets her speak.
This is the press conference area; it is set up in the open hall of the Chancellor's office because it is so airy and pretty.
They have many gifts given to previous Chancellors on display. This Stetson cowboy hat was given to Chancellor Ludwig Erhard by President Johnson.
This box set of American DVD's was a gift from George W. Bush.

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