On Saturday we went to Grüne Woche, an international food fair that comes annually to Berlin. Basically, countries from all over the world set up booths in a HUGE convention center where they give away samples and sell their native food and drink. We spent almost 6 hours here; it was literally one of the most fun things I've ever done!

Here we are with some Bavarians, from a region in south Germany known for their beer consumption and love of their German heritage.

This cheese is hand made by Swiss monks. It was the best cheese I've ever had in my life!

There were big wheels of real parmesan cheese in the Italian section. Wish I could have bought some for you Dad!

There were so many interesting countries here, including Croatia, Turkey, Albania, Lebanon, Japan, Australia, and Holland. It was crazy to see and try tons of different food.

There were several rooms devoted to Germany and it's regions.

There were also big rooms full of flowers, plants, and outdoor furniture for sale. This place was truly huge!

We spent a lot of time in Bavaria, because that was where the party was! We tried different beers on tap, and two girls went wine tasting.

They were singing traditional German songs and most of the crowd was singing along!

There was also a few rooms with animals and a horse arena! In America, we would never have a stand selling bacon and sausage literally RIGHT next to this mama pig with her babies, but apparently this does not bother Germans.

Every room smelled so good! It kind of reminded me of the EPCOT center at Disney World, since the people at each booth were actually from that country.

We tried this salmon from Norway, and it was delicious. Look how huge these fish are!

We found the flower room at the end, and couldn't resist taking tons of pictures.

Germans truly do love their beer. This booth showed how beer is made and had bottles from breweries all over the country.